Kharkiv administrative map

Project details

Kharkiv Map is a Webspark social project that provides an opportunity to manage the civil region using a visual cartographic dashboard displaying the main resource’s parameters.

Map content50+ UNIQUE LAYERS

Map performanceUP TO 100K POINTS

Locality indicators500+ UNIQUE PARAMETERS

Number of populated areas2000+


During the development process, we actively communicated with representatives from various departments: digital transformation, state emergency service, public utilities, education and healthcare mortgages.

  • Regions, districts and territorial units
  • The territory under the control of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the zone of active hostilities
  • Dangerous zones according to state information
  • Emergency services
  • Electricity supply, water supply, gas supply, heat supply, mobile communication
  • Main roads, roads on the balance of the region, destroyed bridges, railways, damage to railway tracks
  • Administrative service centers, pension provision
  • Healthcare facilities, educational institutions, damaged buildings
  • Parts of agricultural land

Mass media
about project

Kharkiv Map is an highly supportive project that has gained positive attention from Ukrainian mass media. Renowned publications have highlighted the immense benefits that this platform offers to its users.


With a team consisting of more than 10 members, we have created a functional and useful product that helps the leadership of the Kharkiv region monitor key indicators and identify problems that require a quick response.
  • Backend

    • PHP
    • Laravel
  • Frontend

    • React
    • Redux
  • Databases

    • MySQL
  • Infrastructure

    • LEMP
  • Map

    • Leaflet
Slide 1
  • Layer information
Slide 2
  • Select location
Slide 3
  • News


Completed project on time, within budget, and met all objectives, resulting in improved efficiency and positive feedback from stakeholders.
Kharkiv Regional State (Military) Administration expresses its gratitude to WEBSPARK, in your person, for supporting the digital transformation of the Kharkiv region. The use of modern digital solutions is the key to effective management, it helps to optimize administration processes and brings us closer to victory. We sincerely thank you and look forward to further fruitful cooperation!
Oleh SyniehubovGovernor at Kharkiv Oblast