Advanced coupon aggregator

Project details

DiscountReactor is a convenient place where users can find a broad range of coupons and discounts that have been collected from more than 2000 online marketplaces. The Web App has various features to help users with their search: categories, catalog of coupons, calendar of planned promotions and sales statistics. Also, App has a built-in newsletter system, so any new coupon won’t be missed by the user.

Source capability10000+ WEBSITES

Coupon capacity2000+ PER DAY


To address clients’ business needs and improve usability, accessibility, and performance, the system has been updated with the latest technology stack in the shortest possible time.

  • Output coupon codes
  • Promotional codes
  • Various parsing
  • Adding promo codes by the user
  • Adding stores of shares by the user
  • Newsletters of the best offers with discounts
  • Implementing protection against ddos attacks
  • Database security
  • Сoupons by categories


Within a team consisting of more than 10 members, we have built an advanced coupon aggregator which is solving the problem of coupons and discounts search by various parsing and further distribution them into usable catalog.
  • Backend

    • PHP
    • Laravel
  • Databases

    • MySQL
    • ElasticSearch
    • Memcached
  • Infrastructure

    • LEMP
    • Docker
Slide 1
  • Homepage
Slide 2
  • Coupons
Slide 3
  • Amazon coupon
Slide 4
  • Coupon code
Slide 5
  • Blog
Slide 6
  • Sales

300,000 offers

The site database has more than 300,000 offers


DiscountReactor provided the ability to search, review and use promotions and coupons to obtain benefits and discounts in numerous stores in America.
Working with WEBSPARK for almost 10 years, and not going to change it! During this time, all web development went into the hands of WEBSPARK specialists, who not only do their work but also keep us updated with the latest web technologies and help with optimizing our business processes.
Andrew PriobrazhenskyiCRO&Co-Founder at Bonspace